Lab 8: DNA Isolation
Lab 8: DNA Isolation (Photo: HSHP Biology) Introduction The purpose of this lab was ultimately to familiarize ourselves with the PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit to successfully purify a DNA sample from a pure E. coli culture in LB broth.. The first step will be obtaining the cells, then through use of the kit and instructions we will break down the membrane and release the DNA from the cells. The next step will be to precipitate the DNA and finally, purify the sample. "The PowerSoil DNA is intended for use with environmental samples containing a high humid acid content including difficult soil types such as compost, sediment and manure...The isolated DNA has a high level of purity allowing for more successful PCR amplification of organisms from the sample." (MoBio) Since the sample we are using is already a pure E. coli sample, all of the purification is a tad overkill but will be done anyways according to the provided instructions. Another important thing to no...
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